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Comprehensive Midwifery CareAbstrak
Comprehensive midwifery care is care provided by midwives from the start of pregnancy, childbirth, newborns, postpartum, and the use of family planning which aims to provide quality services to prevent the occurrence of AKI and IMR. The Objectic To be able to provide comprehensive midwifery care using Varney's line of thought and documented in SOAP form. The Methods Midwifery management approach method with Varney's line of thought and documented in the form of SOAP, carried out at the Utama Lestari Clinic on March 12-7 May 2022. This midwifery care was carried out on Mrs. "H" aged 36 G3P2A0H2. The The Results: ANC went well, INC went well, stage 1 lasted 4 hours 45 minutes, stage II 10 minutes, stage III 13 minutes, stage 4 2 hours. The baby was born spontaneously, and neonates visited 3 times. The postpartum period went normally, 4 visits and family planning care Mrs. "H" chose 3-month injection KB. There are gaps, namely the ANC visit schedule is not appropriate, TT immunization and giving methergin to prevent bleeding. From these results it can be concluded that the comprehensive care provided to Mrs. "H" has met the standards. It is hoped that the results of this midwifery care can be input for female students in order to improve the quality of midwifery care services for pregnant women, childbirth, and BBL. postpartum and family planning.
Asuhan kebidanan komprehensif diartikan asuhan yang dimulai dari kehamilan, persalinan, perawatan bayi, nifas, serta keluarga berencana (KB). Di Inhil diperkirakan pada tahun 2020 jumlah kematian ibu sebanyak 10 orang dan jumlah kematian bayi 24 orang. Di klinik Pratama Kayu Jati mulai dari April-Desember tahun 2021 tercatat ibu hamil 44 orang, ibu bersalin 4 orang, ibu nifas 4 orang, BBL 4 orang dan akseptor KB 39 orang. Tujuan dari asuhan ini mampu memberikan Asuhan Kebidanan komprehensif pada Ny "A" di klinik Pratama Kayu Jati Tembilahan. Metode dalam asuhan ini dengan menggunakan manajemen kebidanan alur pikir Varney dan Asuhan didokumentasikan dalam bentuk SOAP serta menganalisis adanya kesenjangan antara teori dan praktek. Hasil pada asuhan ini terdapat kesenjangan antara teori dan praktek pada ibu hamil yang hanya melakukan kunjungan pelayanan kesehatan 5 kali selama masa kehamilan, pada asuhan persalinan terjadi kala I memanjang selama 49 jam dan ketidaksesuaian melakukan prosedur kala III, dilakukan kunjungan neonatal sebnayak 3 kali, dan dilakukan kunjungan nifas sebanyak 4 kali serta pasien menggunakan KB mini pil. Saran diharapkan dari hasil asuhan kebidanan ini, dapat menjadi masukan bagi mahasiswi dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kebidanan pada ibu hamil, bersalin, BBL, nifas dan keluarga berencana.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Yuliana Yuliana
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